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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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dennis, i'm just asking the upfront on how to do the more evacuation orders with know where to go. the is really military tells palestinians to flee a strand of fashion while intensifying its assaults in the area. the, you're watching l to 0 life or my headquarters in delphi and jedi navigate is also coming up more victim stuff is really air strikes. arriving to the hospital in central garza 8 children or longer that the united states admits israel's use of american weapons. in gauze i may have broken international humanitarian law. plus we marquis seconds, anniversary of city and
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a block place killing is where the forces shot dead. the al jazeera journalist, while she was reporting and be occupied, westbank the it's 11 gmc and we'd be getting gaza. that's where the is really military is, expands and it's ground operation in the southern. most areas of the strip desperate families have been fleeting from vanessa in the south after another is really order is really army says about $300000.00 palestinians have left eastern drop off on the ground. they told us these areas are not threatened and the safe, but it turned out that this area is dangerous and shows a fooling in the east of russell. well, the done for the situation is very, very dangerous. we couldn't sleep at night, so it was all tillery shedding as well as rockets. the conditions are very difficult. there are no people in the street and food escape. there's no food or
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water on friday that is really for us, dropped leaflets over the south eastern part of that fi districts ordering people to leave around 1700000 palestinians have sought shelter in the city for months earlier on saturday is really middle tree issued a 2nd evacuation order for neighborhoods is stuff city. it comes after reports of heavy fighting in the district and the area, martin blue is where is really forces have now been stations. well, the past few hours, garza, the health industry said that it's uncovered 80 bodies from 3 mass graves on dozens of others from inside a section of the ship thought medical complex. it's as many of the existing bodies belong to patients who were denied access to health care. other bodies showed close gunshot wounds to the head onto the chest. in march, 310 medical staff were detained by is really forces. when they stormed shift
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compound, health ministry officials continue to demand their immediate release. and at least 30 bodies have been taken to an up so hospitable and dated by a half to a night of heavy, bombardments. 8 children were among the beds, nearly $35000.00 palestinians have been killed and israel's were on gauze us since october. thought about assume is one is not from dated, but off that some central guys are taught. first of all, on the health industries findings, they're saying that they've discovered yet another mass grave walk us through what they found. yeah. yeah. in fact that going those hills ministry has said that they managed to discover a t buddies in 3 months crazed inside the courtyard of she felt hospital. this discoveries absolutely terrible in terms of the stories and even the capacity of bodies being found deep and signed off to being full. so
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a full to after being docked in inside this very important place, which is the largest medical combined. of course, the goal is a step now we can't live in, but when the is where the military is still in the hospital, they turn the entire hospital into a military base. they managed to take some palestinians, arrested and being driven to and disclose location. all those have been investigated inside the hospital have been been released and the investigations being made by guns, health ministry show that there is a very hard evidence that the body, some of the bodies have been executed with different signs of bullets being shot cindy had done the chest of the victims. well there is the vast majority also boost bodies have been decomposed due to the long d ration being buried inside. done. this is absolutely contradictory to what the is very military has been saying of the course of the past weeks that there was there any clue evidence about these kind of claims being posed by because of the health ministry. but yet the discovery consider it to be
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a new evidence added to the list of crimes being committed by these very all mean old hospitals that the up in operating engine come on at one hospital in the north . and even the mission felt hospital in the central essential garza city. and the have been cooling for an independent investigation and allow for investigative teams to get an access into this trip. in order to take close look about what was going on in such hospitals. during these really military raids and such medical facilities thought it, you're also speaking to us from central garza right in front of the hospital, tell us what you've been seeing that of the well in fact, during since a really due to on the hospice that we have been touring, but we in the departments of the hospital and even on the antonia debtor about this city we, we service really help freaking and it completely district thing. it only gives that please sign that there is on going to humanitarian catastrophe on the ground.
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that the will do not know does not know anything about. we can see people here in the hospital are taking us to show living in the floor with a hospitality inside the hospitality, even on specifically alongside the streets houses. the cost of the, the town is completely overcrowded with civilians and today in light of the unprecedented numbers of victims arriving. so unlocks the hospital, at least 30 palestinians being killed and all that night strikes on multiple areas in the middle regions of the gaza strip. i have been to ring in the most of the hospital here and there is by and what are you so that was completely distressing. as you can see, we are now in the mall of the hospital, which is the main central hospital in the world. what we can see right now here is that new buddies on lines on the grounds as they did not find any place for them inside the refrigerators in the smoke in order to be kept in signs of today.
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earlier, at least 30 palestinians have arrived to the ox, the hospital as the bodies we can see families now remaining beside the bodies of their beloved one. we can see bodies of elderly people, women, and children who too now do not have even a pro burial. some of them are still on identifying to due to the masses to destruction, of attacks being carried out by these, by the military. now, the capacity of this move is too limited. the cannot take more than 10 bodies is found that absolutely terrified going in the life of the a going is really military campaign on the, on president of the scale of death amongst civilians in the central area of the hospital is struggling to keep operating in light of the deep show you the fall outages in the entire area targeted by 0, which is 0. there is the palestine. well, at least one and
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a half 1000000 palestinians have been sheltering in rough and now hundreds of thousands are being told to move yet again. so the 1st satellite image, this one take and last sunday, shows a densely populated refugee camp in west it off off. a picture from thursday reveals a significant reduction in the camp size, which happens after israel intensified it's military operations earlier this week when our estimates. but at least a $150000.00 palestinians have already fled to an milwaukee as well as to dayton by the off we have with us all to 0 senior political unless one of the shot. and joining us here in the studio at highland one. so we can see that the is really is, are pushing ahead with that sort of offensive. they reported we have 2 battalions on the ground bite and had said that f off was a red line. is this going to pressure widen to back up his words with action? no, no, to a lot. not because i am guessing or making an educated guess it's
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because there is a track record. there's a pattern here. and the pattern has been going on for decades. but clearly, a police, the last 7 months, these raiders have made decisions that the americans disagreed with these relatives and went on and applied the decisions and the united states and the by the administration follow to seats in every turn when, when by then i agreed with that then you know nothing, you all went on with whatever you had in mind by them for 2. sometimes crying being dragged along, sometimes upset, sometimes angry, sometimes not answering the phone calls, sometimes even making public criticism. but eventually the united states had followed and israel switched. but what is the is really strategy here? i mean, even john kirby just earlier this week said that quote,
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smashing into it i saw would not eradicate thomas. so are they trying to compensates for sort of what's being described as their ministry failures and guys up until this point? it's actually um however, and just it's horrendous because of this towards logic. as everyone has been telling us, especially in the west, the last few weeks or months, but people die of war and you know, how many germans by then how many japanese buys and how many i showed you as i'm french also. so in order to make it stopped in the middle of what's happening and goes on and off are usually when you fight the war is because you want to, you know, the exact, the certain price on the enemy. an extra system result says objective, it's been clear as could be said, that how much is not going to be defeated in this war. and that once you destroy it
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off or you're not going to be able then to occupy it does as if everything is fine and good, and then the, and bring in such an out ups of such and who was that and, and have them rules there on the occupation that's not going to happen. i mean, if we learned anything over the past 7 months, is that the spice, whole phone, sledge genocide, destiny is, was not new. this what, what have we learned if anything, is that despite the fact that more than a 100000 casualties, tens of thousands of women and children and so on, so forth, can defend a spins, have not given up on their lead the ship have not been you know turned that back, but even on how much, how much has become more popular in the poles now? because how much would not eventually be i don't know, a ticket differently would judge differently for itself to over 7 attacks. but i'm talking about the operation is more on guys. i should have come to an end as by,
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as an active wizard should have been winding down. now is it going to go instead of the going to can civil thousands, maybe morning, more thousands of about a cities and then we're going to, they're going to have the resistance. asia bad. yeah. they're going to have resistance and depending on they're gonna have to, but it has to spring up in gaza city and so on, so forth. and then they got to go back to different other as a refugee comes in guys. and what i mean is we're going to go back to the same thing long story short. it's not going to take for the 1st thing is to defeat is read in or is that, is there a, an auto condition and to reach a different conclusion. what it will take is before these, where it is eventually to be convinced of what the americans now a conventional you cannot when this war. okay, model, i'm thank you so much. i as well as mintz 6 days since israel allowed a trucks into gaza and famine is spreading and food supplies are only expected to
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last for a few days. the one has warrant that unless is real allows fuel into gaza. hospitals and ambulances will be unable to function a group, se babies and incubators, and the few remaining hospitals will die unless the facilities receive that fuel for generators. israel cut electricity supplies to gaza in october, and october hospice. what was the only healthcare facility in the central city of did and been of doctors, there's a fuel supplies are dwindling, attended for study reports and the he didn't crisis in the basement of the ox hospital with this. and then a couple assistance with that off of the like, so hospital is supplied with 20000 liters of fuel every days. we were supposed to have received that quantity 2 days ago and we have 10000 liters is back on. yeah, but that's been consumed over the past 2 days beyond we only have enough fuel for
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24 hours. an hour ago we received 2000 liters. it's enough enough for half a day. all of these tanks are empty because for more than 5 days, power asylums crossing the commercial crossing has been up close, where no fuel entered the gauze was true according to the house. so they're saying that this is only the only time cause has few left and those who run the generators know, shortages here translate to the reveal problems and the words above along the whole for how does it then understand we have intensive care. we have a nursery with 24 incubators for newly going babies. such cases are at risk of going at any moment if the power goes out. and we also have a busy schedule of surgery runs around the cloud if the situation is not dealt with today. yeah, the generator will be turned off tomorrow and the palestinian minister of have is warnings us if you will,
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does not enter the gaza strip and specially to this hosp with an indebted bella. it's going to shut down in the humanitarian. and todd situation is going to collapse. this is in the us either a locks. a hospital bed is the la garza palestine, or us report on is really military operations in gaza. has found its use of american weapons likely violated international law. the state department's report to congress issued a rare criticism of israel's military conduct, but it stopped short of identifying specific instances that would justify withholding military age particle hey, and reports from washington dc is what we are seeing and got the death destruction and starvation a violation of international law, that is what the state department has been investigating. if they said yes, us military aid could be cut off. the report found it's possible israel is
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violating the law, but they are definitively saying it is using language like it is reasonable to assess the defense articles has been used by is really security forces inconsistent with it. i h l or international humanitarian law obligations, but they argue the law does not have to be invoked because israel is investigating the report says, israel says it's implementing restrictive measures to protect sites such as hospitals, schools, places of worship, and un facilities. according to the united nations hospital and medical facilities have been attacked, more than 600 times. schools attacked more than $200.00 hundreds of houses of worship destroyed. and 169 un facilities have been attacked. that's not highlighted in the report, but it does signal out a long list of incidents. spelling out the facts. israel targeting humanitarian
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convoys, including the killing of 7 world central kitchen workers, attacks on hundreds trying to get a targeting buildings, housing to manage hearing aid workers. analysts say this kind of us criticism of israel is unprecedented. they make factual findings that israel's violating international law, they want it to be a political decision to hold weapons, not a legal requirement to withhold weapons. and so i think that was a political decision of the white house and the state department to deliberately fall short of requiring themselves to hold arms shipments so they can use that as a carrot and stick politically. with this railways, this doesn't change us president joe biden's threat to cut off offensive weapons. israel launch is a full scale invasion of rafa, but it does layout more reasons why he might patty coffee, l g 0, washington. the united nations general assembly has voted overwhelmingly to support palestine fed to become a full member, a 143 countries voted in favor of that resolution which expands policy lines rights
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. i think you one and calls on the security council to reconsider its application for full membership. 9 countries voted against that resolution. and 25 abstained. one of the countries that voted against the motion was the united states. gabriel, of these on the reports from the un headquarters in new york is a round of applause in the united nations general assembly after overwhelming majority of member states . but really in favor of a resolution that says palestine qualifies for a membership and has the security council to reconsider its bid. we did not provide you on charter. we did not enact instead of nation. i know we just demanded to see them apply to us. and have been until now denied their protection in an active pediatrics using
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a prop. israel's ambassador said, any human rights or privileges bestowed on palestine would be akin to shredding the un charter, a spokesperson for the secretary general rejected this. there's many charters. there's one right here, the charters intact, its ideals are attacked. the draft resolution agreed to had some symbolic privileges for palestine like allowing them to sit among full members and also some more tangible benefits. like allowing palestine to participate in most un meetings . something they could not do before, but the water down resolution, which the us voted against, specifically maintained palestine with non member observer status. a full membership to the un require security council approval. last month, the us vetoed palestine is full membership, bid the us contents, palestine should negotiate the issue with these real argument reputed by pakistan's
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ambassador negotiations must have a level playing field if is what is negotiating is a full member of the united nations. so to show that this time, while the resolution over whelming, we adopted by the general assembly calls on the security council to reconsider palestine is bid for full un membership. it's unclear if they will actually do so. we should know in the next few days, but even if the council decides to reconsider it, it still faces the same obstacle as before. us has already said if necessary, they would be to it again. gabriel's on go out to see it at united nations, new york still a head on al jazeera, the most powerful solar storm in 20 years. crates are colorful spectacle and the skies on prompt warnings of potential disruptions to global communication.
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the hearing disliked, the more fossil fuels, we burn the hot or the planet. we're forcing from the action age work. here's where it directly targeted. i'll just say it was teens across the world. bring you closer to the heart of the story. in depth analysis of the days headlines, if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced. these 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech. and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be, somebody says, i'm one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to start inside story on out to 0. the amazon home to indigenous people. and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed
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by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum, prepare border, and so in ecuador, communities of fighting the corporate joins in a battle for survival. and to save the laws of the work. how does he was view series doing the final graph, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the color we got in the top stories on how to 0 this, our v is really military, has expanded its ground operation in the southern most areas of the gaza strip.
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desperate families have been seen eastern and rough after another is really quarter the army. so as about $300000.00 palestinians have left so far. and early on saturday, at least 30 bodies were taken to a hospital and dated about 8 children were among the 10. it's been 2 years since it's really forces killed out to 0 journalist sitting in the occupied westbank. it happened while she was reporting on is really on the read in the janine refugees. and despite the evidence, no one has been held to account for her killing. israel's war on gaza is taking a significant psychological toll on palestinians. but a group of volunteers is trying their best to help the community shield through our therapy axles on which has more in the shadow of israel's relentless bombardment. there is a silence crisis. the psychological impact, where hasn't people,
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especially children surrounded by destruction, they find refuge in drawing in other activities. and it gives them some sense of normalcy in these turbulence times. and i'm still looking at the onset of them. that's the we started by writing down our dreams, leaving out the period from october 7th until now. we drew and colored sketches. and we wrote down our dreams in this way. my 5 children and i have tremendously enjoyed. it is improved and shifted on negative attitude to a positive $1.00 and pay them now. with nearly 35000 palestinians killed this cars are not always visible. mental health experts warrant the impact of these young mines could spend generations since the war has shattered the causes, mental health and other medical facilities. initiatives like this one in the rough uh, health people process their trauma through our to have been hired. well, by that i don't know if you've been with the ongoing genocide against children and women,
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we thought it was necessary and important for them to overcome such trauma baffles . launching this initiative was necessary to contribute to enabling them to get out of such shocks caused by the ongoing loss, destruction and genocide. they're experiencing every day. despite the challenges and delivering mental health support to resilience of the palestinian spirit persists. but israel's expanding military operation and rough uh, is the threatening this resilience as more attacks hinder recovery efforts, axles i'm which i'll just the, the, our planet is experiencing its most powerful g o, magnetic storm and more than 20 years. one which could trigger power and communication blackouts. a solar system happens when the sun sends a series of strong solar flares, which then leads to
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a big increase in aurora display seen around the world. so web is an astronomer at swinburne, university of technology in melbourne. she says, the solar storm is a normal part of the sun cycle of this type of activity over the event that we're experiencing right now is right on our lifetime of events that we have monitored. it's not read in the lifetime of this done. johnstone undergrads only quote, a solar minimum and maximum, and it's one, it's magnetic field flips every 11 years or so. and we experience and uptake in, sol, sled, and cranial math suggestions, and that's exactly what we're seeing here. what's nice concerning now though, is that we live in the 21st century where we evict exponentially increase our reliance on communications and other technologies that are in space and on the ground where electrical indifference is, can actually disturb it from this to your magnetic storm. and that's something that we're watching quite closely right now. it's normally airplanes of grounded or redirected around wherever occurrence of being reported. and we've seen this back
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in the 2003 halloween to magnetic storm. this is exactly what happened. we had a cross diverted to make sure that they run our incidences, but our infrastructure is designed for us to be able to control when we turn it on an officer, for example, our ground stations. here here on the ground, we're able to turn them off to limit the effect that a to make a big storm like this might have. so we do absolutely have protocols in place to try and limit the damage. but we have seen in past, you might ext on that sometimes it's, it's not completely successful. so what we're seeing is that instead of needing to be quite far south or north to see the aurora, it's creeping on down search. uh, one of the best bits of advice is just go outside when it becomes stock in the evening and try and catch a glimpse. you might even be able to set your phones to take a long exposure image to try and catch that beautiful ribbons of dancing line across the sky. and yes, if you do have safe, solar viewing equipment, that is substantial to actually see the sun spots that have caused this on this to your magnetic event. so it is, it's a, is a broadside to this. yes,
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we are concerned that it could affect our infrastructure, but it really sometimes is ortho once in a lifetime, opportunity for people who do not live near the north and south poles to see over and action. okay, the weather is an excellent inside story examines with takeaways for beijing from sheet g. things, visits to your thanks for watching the hollow. we've got some really long. i'd be writing, making his way towards the korean peninsula of japan. as long as you find and try for the time being that will change based on wherever you apply pressure that's slipping out into the northwest specific. it allow this area of low pressure and it's attending coal front to slip for the re squared. so runs right across the cramping is best and very heavy rain coming through hip examples into q issue west and pos upon shoot for sunday, monday, that very heavy, right? it will still, it'll bring some very heavy down, pulls for long down pulls across at least the side of the country as we go through
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monday. so that's likely to cool some disruption. add some flooding southern pot. so trying to buy this die and place the sites, do look somewhat dry and bright to losing the dry and brought to whether it be seen across much of south asia recently gets rational showers across much of india and hence the time which is down. now i cite down with just below the 40 degree mouth for the most part. so the warnings have on now for the live the showers which could pop up just about anywhere, but particularly with central eastern positive india. i. the tools that ne, in kona one of 2 shot was to enter the northeast of pockets dom we have seen some flooding recently to know them areas of, of kind of style, glass making, his wife of a switch. much of the middle east is dry. the latest news as it breaks online banking apps rely on the incidence of those states are experiencing an intimate blackout with detailed coverage for the majority of
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the front runners. and these elections have either been questioned for, or have already been convicted in corruption scheme from around the world. this is the asian highlight, everything called correct me or what is an area that the s i c have being pushed as of a job offensive. and you're a bike, china as president, the source of wind support for his vision of a multi polar wells countering american dominance and evening trade and investments with countries to start getting close to paging. so they sheets even painting succeed. this has insight story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm the fucker, china as president, changing thing is wrapped up his 1st visit to europe. in 5 years, he visited from serbia and hungry during his trip with


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